'Nothing to be ashamed'
Andrew McIntosh and Joel-Denis Bellavance
OTTAWA; QUEBEC CITY - Jean Chretien, the Prime Minister, yesterday said his
government had nothing to apologize for in seeking to reap maximum partisan
political benefit from disbursing $1-billion worth of federal job grants
across Canada each year.
He had always made sure since taking power in October, 1993, that voters
were left in no doubt that it was his Liberals who were distributing such
grants, he said.
"Listen," he added, "we are the government ... I don't see why we can't try
to get credit for what we do. I hope we do so. There is nothing to be
ashamed in that."
Previously, Mr. Chretien and Jane Stewart, the Human Resources Minister,
have insisted in Parliament that the $1-billion in grants for job creation,
training, literacy and other projects were not allocated with the intention
of gaining partisan advantage, but rather were designed to benefit ridings
regardless of their political complexion.
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