(revised Oct. 5, 2000)
by Steve Jalsevac
There has been a disturbing void in most reporting on the death of Pierre
Trudeau these past several days. Very little of the substantial negatives of
Trudeau's policies have been addressed. The media canonization of the former
Prime Minister is conditioning Canadians to continue to be led in a wrong
direction by the Chretien Liberals. Balance is seriously needed. Although
some of the negatives have been addressed by a few writers, Trudeau's legacy
on moral issues has been almost totally suppressed. In this article LifeSite
attempts to correct the imbalance and place the former Prime Minister's
policies on moral issues in their proper historical perspective as the ones
that had the greatest impact on our nation.
What was Trudeau's Real Legacy?
Trudeau's Abortion Law a Result of "Political Liberalism"
The 1969 Law Changes and Their Consequences Today
Trudeau's Personal View on Abortion
The Source of Trudeau's Philosophy
The Power and Size of the State Mushroomed Under Trudeau
The Charter of Wrongs
Canada Lost Much More Than it Gained From Trudeau
Nothing Compares in Significance to the Abortion Issue
We Must Learn From the Past
What was Trudeau's Real Legacy?
What was the real legacy of former Canadian Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau?
That won't be discovered from the massive, adoring coverage by Canada's
media since Trudeau's death last Thursday.
Pierre Trudeau is a hero of the liberal media culture which conveniently
insists that morality is a strictly personal matter to be determined by each
individual and about which the state and even the church should have little
Although there was already a cultural Revolution underway in the west in the
'60s, there was no popular organized movement clamoring for abortion rights,
easier divorce or increased legitimacy for homosexuality. Still, Trudeau, as
Justice Minister in 1967 and Prime Minister in 1969, imposed these upon
Canadians, whether they wanted them or not. Trudeau insisted that Canada
must adopt his permissive society even if Canadians did not realize where he
was leading them.
Trudeau's Abortion Law a Result of "Political Liberalism"
The story of the change in the abortion law via the 1969 Onmibus Bill is
told in the pamphlet, The Secular State, 1985, by historian Fr. Alphonse de
De Valk states, "As Minister of Justice In 1967, Trudeau personally and on
his own initiative introduced the Liberal government's proposal for
legalizing abortion, ignoring even the hearings which were being conducted
on the subject by a joint House-of-Commons/ Senate committee. As he
explained to the Calgary Herald in December 1967, he deliberately placed the
abortion item amid 108 other items in an Omnibus Bill in order to weaken
resistance to it".
"As prime minister, and having won a second mandate in July 1968 with
slogans such as 'the state has no place in the bedrooms of the nation',
Pierre Trudeau pushed ahead with his reforms".
"Trudeau saw to it that the legalization of abortion was enacted
successfully in May 1969. Afterwards, no opposition to the new law was
tolerated in his cabinet or even from the public: a demand for a review in
the spring of 1975 which had over a million signatures was buried swiftly
and efficiently. A climax of sorts was reached on 22 May, 1975 when,
according to the Globe and Mail, Trudeau hailed Dr. Henry Morgentaler as a
'good friend, a fine humanitarian and a true humanist'. As late as 27
November, 1981, five days before the final vote on the repatriation of the
Constitution and the Charter of Rights, Trudeau personally and again
intervened in the abortion controversy by preventing members of his party
from voting for an amendment introduced by David Crombie (PC), that 'nothing
in the Charter affects the authority of Parliament to legislate in respect
to abortion'".
Lastly, Fr. de Valk reveals "why Pierre Trudeau, a practicing Catholic,
should have been behind legislation which has created a situation of virtual
abortion on demand. The answer to this puzzle can be given in two words,
'political liberalism'. It has been Trudeau's contribution to Canadian
political life to articulate the view of secular political liberalism that,
in modern times, God and religion have nothing to do with public and
political life".
Trudeau, above all, entrenched into Canadian politics the false, new concept
that public officials must not "impose" their "personal morality" (which
always refers to traditional moral principles only) via legislation on moral
issues. He stated on the BBC on July 13, 1970, "you can't ask the totality
of the people to accept my private morality as theirs. You have to make sure
that the Criminal Code...represents not the private morals of the people who
happen to be in government at that time, but represents what the people feel
to be the basic public standards of ethical conduct." But of course Trudeau
did impose his views on the public. His private, elitist view that morality
has no place in law was bulldozed through Parliament and onto Canadian
society. His private view was also that Canadians must be led to want his
changes, not that they necessarily wanted them at the time - and Canadians,
except for a small minority, were definitely not asking for the legalization
of abortion.
As a Catholic, Trudeau was tragically mistaken that such a position can be
validly held by a Catholic politician. Pope John Paul II has made it clear
that a politician cannot call himself a believing Christian and separate his
political self from the Christian who has an obligation to act on the moral
laws. Just last week the Vatican announced that on Nov. 5 the Pope will
declare St. Thomas More the patron Saint of politicians. This sends a clear
message to Catholic politicians that their joy should be in first remaining
faithful to Christ, and the true good of the people, by always resisting
pressure to politically co-operate with immorality - no matter what the
The 1969 Law Changes and Their Consequences Today
Trudeau made substantial changes to the Criminal Code and divorce law,
liberalizing Canadian regulations on the matters of contraception, divorce,
homosexuality, gross indecency and abortion. Abortion was permitted if it
endangered the life or the very liberally interpreted "health" of the mother
and only if approved by a committee of three doctors.
There was no significant public movement asking the government to make all
these changes. The result of the changes was an eventual, dramatic increase
in all the previously forbidden or more strictly regulated activities. Since
law is a teacher Canada's entire moral foundation was undermined which led
to a general collapse of the practical moral culture. That is, this radical
liberalization on supposed "private" matters had enormous social, health and
economic consequences.
Well over two million pre-born children have lost their lives and their
mothers have suffered the consequences of abortion. Family life has been
devastated by widespread marriage breakdown and the children of these
marriages have suffered generations of pain and social disorientation. The
birth rate has plummeted to well below replacement level and is still
descending, sexually transmitted diseases have become a silent epidemic
causing death, sterility, many other health complications, heartache and
undoubtedly billions of dollars in health care expenses, medical research
costs and lost productivity. Children have become far more sexually active
and distressed by early loss of childhood and having to cope with matters
too complex for them. The law's now hands-off attitude towards morality has
created a climate in which media sexploitation, pornography, prostitution,
and the organized crime that always follow these things, are flourishing.
Trudeau's Personal View on Abortion
Trudeau's personal reasoning on abortion was contradictory and irrational.
He stated in The Toronto Star Feb. 23, 1982 "I think that generally
speaking, abortion is wrong and marriage should be forever." The Star noted
"Trudeau also said that although he has very strong moral values, based on
his Catholicism, he doesn't feel that he can impose them on other people."
Trudeau knew abortion was killing. On September 25, 1976 he stated in
Edmundston, New Brunswick "... I consider the fetus, the infant in the womb
is a living being, a being we must respect, and I do not think we can kill
him arbitrarily. There are cases where killing is legal.... There are cases
when it is legal to kill even an infant, but I am saying, when we kill... we
must answer to society. That is why our Omnibus Bill requires three
doctors... they are more competent than I, as regards to mental and physical
health and I think it is a good law. It is easy for us men to be against
abortion. I am against abortion. But I've never been pregnant, illegitimate
or otherwise... I believe we must listen to the woman's side of the story".
Trudeau "personally" believed abortion to be wrong, knew it was killing,
yet, as far as we know, never apologized for his actions which led to a
massive amount of this killing. He persistently fought off all attempts to
even modify the legislation which permitted the killing. In 1980 he still
referred to his 1969 abortion amendment to the criminal code as a
"reasonable" law. Not only did Pierre Trudeau change the law to permit
abortion, but his Liberal government also funded this killing through
federal health care. In 1972 the Liberals, under Pierre Trudeau, began many
years of substantial funding for Planned Parenthood Federation of Canada
(PPF), Canada's largest abortion referral service. In many other ways the
Liberal government financed, promoted and defended abortion. Pro-abortion
radical feminism flourished with heavy Liberal government support and
The Source of Trudeau's philosophy
In brief, Trudeau's philosophy and the foundation of his political actions
was based on his great admiration and personal exposure to leftist
individuals and movements. Fr. de Valk writes "at the London school of
economics in the academic year 1947-48, Trudeau met Harold Laski, the
intellectual Don of British labor socialism, whom Trudeau described as a
'most stimulating and powerful influence'. Laski convinced him that
Democratic socialism could answer the needs of society.
Trudeau visited Moscow a few times and reported favorably on Stalin's
totalitarianism in the magazine Cite Libre. He frequently expressed
enthusiasm for Mao Tse Tung and China's Communist regime, never referring to
the mind-boggling number of lives that were snuffed out by that regime. He
greatly admired Cuba's marxist despot Fidel Castro and publicly hugged his
friend Castro during a trip to Cuba in 1976. Trudeau's shout of "Vive
Castro!" at a large public event during the trip was broadcast around the
world. Link Byfield, in a September 30, 2000 Globe and Mail column, stated
Trudeau "was once overheard by reporters remarking to Fidel Castro how much
quicker and easier it would be to run things the Cuban way".
Click link below for full article.