Ms. Susan Whelan (Essex, Lib.): Mr. Speaker, with a population of nearly six
billion on our planet, we should be aware that two-thirds, or approximately
four billion, live in relative poverty, while 1.3 billion live on one
American dollar a day. Seventy per cent of those living in poverty are
women. These conditions are in part what has prompted the organization of
the World March of Women.
Canada also faces poverty issues. Children who live in low income families
made up 13% of all children under the age of 18 in 1997. Of that number, 40%
were living with a single female parent. Homelessness, often equated with
the extreme side of poverty in Canada, is affecting young women at an
earlier age. Women and men from countries all over the world have signed a
petition that will be presented to UN Secretary-General Kofi Annan, along
with a list of demands to help eliminate poverty and, in particular, the
feminization of poverty. Let us add our voices to those calling for an end
to poverty for women in Canada.
Comment: The "feminization of poverty" is primarily the result of
irresponsible/sinful behaviour, and primarily irresponsible/sinful sexual
behaviour, by both men and women. Authentic Christianity does not advocate
the anti-solution of throwing more government funds at the problem, thereby
subsidizing it. The Bible commands sexual behaviour only within the confines
of marriage, and teaches the principles for healthy family living. A return
to such behaviour will eliminate the "feminization of poverty. "