On certain issues I think I can at least partially
understand the liberal mindset. On others I am at a
complete loss.
Though I don't agree, I believe I understand, for
example, why many liberals believe they have an inside
track on compassion, if not a monopoly. These are a
few of the things, though, that I don't understand
about liberals (generally speaking, of course, and
allowing for numerous exceptions):
-- Why they have such a learning disability
regarding the abject evils of Communism; how they
thought the Cold War was largely a product of
conservatives' irrational fear of Communsim;
-- How they could turn a blind eye to the
genocide of the Soviet Union;
-- How they can possibly romanticize Fidel Castro;
-- How they oppose capital punishment -- even in
cases when they are sure that the convict is guilty
beyond any doubt-- yet register not an ounce of
hesitation at the killing of millions of babies in the
womb, when they know that those babies have to be the
most innocent creatures of all of God's creation;
-- How they think that conservatives who oppose
abortion (killing of the innocent) but favor capital
punishment (killing of the guilty) are the ones who
are inconsistent;
-- How they profess to eschew moral absolutes then
turn around and enforce the rigid and twisted
standards of political correctness with an inflexible
vengeance; similarly, how they decry conservative
intolerance, yet demonstrate unparalleled intolerance
toward the conservative viewpoint;
-- How they can characterize conservative opposition
to special rights for homosexuals as hatred for
homosexuals, or even more preposterously as fomenting
violence against homosexuals.
-- How those of them in the mainstream media can be
embarrassingly oblivious to their liberal bias. For
example, how can one ask with a straight
face whether a certain person is a liberal or a
racist, implying the two are mutually exclusive and
that conservatives are racists;
-- How that same person can say that he
reports with no political bias so that his viewers
cannot discern his political views;
-- How they can fool themselves into believing that
their morality is defined more by the political
policies they advocate than the way they conduct their
-- How they can be so conserva-phobic that they will
defend Bill Clinton, no matter what the transgression;
-- Why they are not concerned about the Justice
system's usurpation of parliament's legislative prerogatives;
-- Why they are not alarmed at the government's
confiscation of millions of acres of private property;
-- How they can possibly assume that conservatives
are opposed to clean air and clean water, or are in
the pockets of big-business, just because they oppose
radical environmental policies based on unproven, if
not junk science;
-- Why they don't understand that by constantly
playing the race card and invoking affirmative action
solutions, they are exacerbating rather than
alleviating unnecessary distinctions and problems
between races;
-- Why they choose to demonize weapons
themselves rather than those who harm people with
-- How they can continue to believe that throwing
yet more money at education will improve its quality
while opposing educational choice, a solution that
would certainly enhance education and benefit
-- How they can possibly oppose strategic missile
defense considering the volatile and dangerous world
in which we live.